As the Fantasy Hockey League Cup reaches its grand finale, the semifinal matchups provided thrilling action, setting...
The quarterfinals of the Fantasy Hockey League Cup delivered thrilling action, with underdog triumphs, dominant performances, and...
As the Cup reaches the quarterfinal stage, the remaining eight teams prepare for intense battles to secure...
As the knockout cup reached its third round in gameweek 11, some exhilarating matchups unfolded. Here’s a...
This season our scouting department will be giving an update prior to the start of each game...
With gameweek 8 upon us, excitement is building as 40 teams aim to qualify for Round 1...
Now that we have reached the end of the season our thoughts are turning to FHL UK...
That’s it, the end of week 11 means we have our first trophy winner of the season!...
The end of week 10 also brings the end of the semi finals of the FHL UK...
The end of week 9 also brings the end of the quarter finals of the FHL UK...